Wednesday 27 June 2012

To Do List...

We have about a billion things to do in order to make this whole Adventure work... I'm going to write my To Do List here and keep coming back to add to it and (hopefully) tick things off when we've done them. I do hope you will keep me motivated!!

1) [And this is a BIG one]  Justin must get his licence. He passed his test many moons ago but (because he was a bit of a dork) never sent in his test pass certificate thus meaning he doesn't have a valid licence. He spent AGES on the phone to the DVLA today trying to figure out what he has to do and what forms to fill in etc... So we now know what we have to do to make this happen.

2) Move all the disks and postage equipment to the shop (we have a small computer shop) and get organized again.

3) Pack up the house for the move. This also includes getting rid of some more junk. We are selling our Moorcroft and Susie Cooper pottery sets, my collection of Osmond memorabilia, more books, Wii Rock Band and a pool table/dining table. [If you're intersted, leave a comment and let me know].

4) Move into the new (smaller) house and settle in to our new surroundings.

5) Find someone reliable to run our shop for us.

6) [Another big one] Buy a camper/caravan. Obviously, this will be our home for the time we are travelling. The plan is to start off cheap and small and every few months, work our way up to a nicer, bigger one. Keep selling and upgrading as we go along.

7) Pack up the disks again so we can take them in the camper with us. Will have to be very organized so that I don't run out of disks, labels, packaging materials etc... And it will all have to fit into a small space... Yikes!!!

8)  GO! Get on the road and see the country!

9) Write my book and see what happens!

Guess I had better get moving then!!! Txx

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