Sunday 1 July 2012

Saying Goodbye to Donny

Today I said goodbye to Donny. Yep, I sold ALL of my Donny and Osmonds memorabilia to my Os-friend. We packed it all up in a crate and got on a train to Blackpool to deliver it to her. Anyone who knows an Osmond fan will know that we tend to be a little obsessive over the boys so my friend probably already had alot of the stuff, but said she'd kindly pass her duplicates on to another friend of hers.

A few other things have been cleared out or moved this week too. All of the ebay stuff has been moved to the shop now so that I will get used to working in a small space. My new "office" is really just the back room of the shop and it's pretty tiny. I'm sure I'll soon get used to it! Our collection of Moorcroft pottery has been sold and is being collected tomorrow, the pool/dining table has sold and is going on Thursday. Our lovely house is slowly being stripped out. It's a good thing really, seeing it empty will make it easier to leave it. We have the keys for the new  house now and I am starting to look forward to it.

Everyone we tell about our plans seems really impressed and thinks it's a great idea. That really helps spur us on to make sure it happens as soon as possible! Txx


  1. I am so glad you have found a focus and you & J seem to be heading towards a future TOGETHER. As much as I bless the REAL things in my life - my children and their childhood items I have kept, I still have Donny / Osmond stuff from 1972 which I just CANNOT part with LOL..mostly because when I look at them I see "ME" and not mum & wife....Good Luck with every thing Trish, all the best - dont be a stranger xxx

  2. It IS a great idea! It's the kind of thing a lot of folks would say they'd like to do, but very few would have the chutzpah to actually do it. So yeah, I'm guessing a lot of people would buy your book to see how the journey went!
