Wednesday 27 June 2012

To Do List...

We have about a billion things to do in order to make this whole Adventure work... I'm going to write my To Do List here and keep coming back to add to it and (hopefully) tick things off when we've done them. I do hope you will keep me motivated!!

1) [And this is a BIG one]  Justin must get his licence. He passed his test many moons ago but (because he was a bit of a dork) never sent in his test pass certificate thus meaning he doesn't have a valid licence. He spent AGES on the phone to the DVLA today trying to figure out what he has to do and what forms to fill in etc... So we now know what we have to do to make this happen.

2) Move all the disks and postage equipment to the shop (we have a small computer shop) and get organized again.

3) Pack up the house for the move. This also includes getting rid of some more junk. We are selling our Moorcroft and Susie Cooper pottery sets, my collection of Osmond memorabilia, more books, Wii Rock Band and a pool table/dining table. [If you're intersted, leave a comment and let me know].

4) Move into the new (smaller) house and settle in to our new surroundings.

5) Find someone reliable to run our shop for us.

6) [Another big one] Buy a camper/caravan. Obviously, this will be our home for the time we are travelling. The plan is to start off cheap and small and every few months, work our way up to a nicer, bigger one. Keep selling and upgrading as we go along.

7) Pack up the disks again so we can take them in the camper with us. Will have to be very organized so that I don't run out of disks, labels, packaging materials etc... And it will all have to fit into a small space... Yikes!!!

8)  GO! Get on the road and see the country!

9) Write my book and see what happens!

Guess I had better get moving then!!! Txx

Monday 25 June 2012

Clearing out the Clutter

We have started making preparations for our adventure. We are moving to a smaller house and clearing out alot of stuff. I have hoarding tendancies and collect all sorts. Books, Beanie Babies, shoes, handbags, cds. I have alot of junk!

So, this week I started being ruthless! I have cleared out most of my 2000 Beanie Babies. I have been collecting them since 1996 but have sold all but around 100 of them. Sorting through them was really hard because it was something my Mum and I used to do together, but I just kept reminding myself about The Adventure. We sold pretty much all of our dvd and boxset collection too. Today I sorted out my books. There were alot!! I have (had) so many Stephen King books, many in triplicate and I just don't read them anymore. I'm keeping all my signed books, one of each of my SK hardbacks and a few older editions of others and a handful of my absolute favorite books. That makes me sad as I am a huge bookie! But my Kindle is rather full, so I'll still have loads to read!

We are selling tons of furniture, my Nintendo 3DS is gone, my Wii Rock Band is going too. The house we are currently in is very big and spacious. We had to buy alot of stuff just to make it feel lived in and now that we're downsizing, we don't have anywhere for it to go. It's a daunting process, but I know it will be worth it. Txx

The idea...

My name is Trish (aka Tishylou). I'm 34 years old and am Canadian, living in North West England since 2000. I have been engaged to Justin for ages and we're getting ready to start an adventure.

I have decided today that I am going to write a book. I know, I know. Everyone says they're going to write a book. And a lot of people start it, but very few finish. And of those very few, only a couple get published. So how will I be any different? Well, it will be part memoir, part travel journal. You see, we are planning on travelling across the UK in a caravan for a year. We have a random method of choosing where we will head next and a set of rules to follow along the way.

I think I need to do a bit of explaining...

Justin and I sell media products on disks on eBay as our full time job. We sell quite a lot of disks each day and will be able to continue this on the road as it won't take up much room and hardly requires any time or equipment. So, each morning when I do my invoice printing for the postage, I will find the first town that is within 50 miles of where we are currently. We will head there! We will deliver one person's disk to them and ask them, if they had one day to spend in their town, what would they do. And then we will do whatever they tell us to.

This probably will happen in the next 6-9 months and I'm getting really excited by the idea!

What do you think? Txx